A Shady Sort of Grace: Entering the Old City of Jerusalem
A Shady Sort of Grace: Old City of Jerusalem
A Shady Sort of Grace: Walking through the Old City of Jerusalem
A Shady Sort of Grace: David's Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem
A Shady Sort of Grace: The Old City of Jerusalem
A Shady Sort of Grace: The Jewish Quarter of The Old City
A Shady Sort of Grace: Al-Aqsa Mosque above The Wailing Wall
A Shady Sort of Grace: The Wailing Wall (women's side)
A Shady Sort of Grace: The Wailing Wall & Moonlight
A Shady Sort of Grace: Western Wall & Al-Aqsa Mosque
A Shady Sort of Grace: Church of the Holy Sepulchre
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Approaching Tel-Aviv
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Pooh Bear
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tel Aviv scenery
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tel Aviv scenery
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tel Aviv scenery
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tel Aviv scenery
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tel Aviv scenery
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tel Aviv scenery
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tiberius & Sea of Galilee
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tiberius Hotel
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tiberius
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tiberius
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: bombed-out building
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Tiberius Hotel
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Sea of Galilee
A Shady Sort of Grace: Road Trip: Sea of Galilee