Langooney: Rosy-faced Lovebirds
Langooney: Cave Creek Canyon
Langooney: Western Screech-Owl
Langooney: Streak-backed Oriole
Langooney: Streak-backed Oriole
Langooney: Northern Cardinal
Langooney: Gambel's Quail
Langooney: Lesser Goldfinches and Pine Siskins
Langooney: Ferruginous Hawk
Langooney: Crissal Thrasher
Langooney: Ruby Road
Langooney: Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Langooney: Merlin
Langooney: Bewick's Wren
Langooney: Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Langooney: Winter Wren
Langooney: Winter Wren
Langooney: Hammond's Flycatcher
Langooney: Ruddy Duck
Langooney: Ruddy Ground-Dove and Inca Dove
Langooney: Mountain Plovers
Langooney: Hammond's Flycatcher
Langooney: Pyrrhuloxia
Langooney: Painted Redstart
Langooney: Botta's Pocket Gopher
Langooney: Yellow-eyed Junco
Langooney: Pink-sided form of Dark-eyed Junco
Langooney: Arizona Woodpecker
Langooney: Acorn Woodpecker
Langooney: Bridled Titmouse