Langooney: Sparkling Violetear
Langooney: Sparkling Violetear
Langooney: Rufous-collared Sparrow
Langooney: Rio Napo
Langooney: Casqued Casique (Oropendola)
Langooney: Mixed Flock
Langooney: Approaching the Lodge
Langooney: View from the Tower
Langooney: The Tower
Langooney: Scanning for Birds
Langooney: Don't Look Down
Langooney: Digiscoping
Langooney: It was a Misty Morning
Langooney: Crimson-crested Woodpecker
Langooney: Many-banded Aracari
Langooney: Is that a Crowned Slaty-Flycatcher?
Langooney: Crowned Slaty Flycatcher
Langooney: Green Oropenola
Langooney: Lanceolated Monklet
Langooney: Spangled Cotinga and Paradise Tanager
Langooney: Spangled Cotinga
Langooney: Golden-faced Tyrannulet
Langooney: Squirrel Cuckoo
Langooney: White-necked Puffbird
Langooney: Goin' Down
Langooney: View from Below
Langooney: Double-toothed Kite
Langooney: Paddling toward Napo
Langooney: Black-capped Donacobius
Langooney: An Evening Paddle