langkawi: Without words
langkawi: So fresh and new...
langkawi: Enjoying the morning sun
langkawi: Mein Elternhaus
langkawi: Dornröschen lässt grüßen...
langkawi: Late summer power
langkawi: One sun ray is enough
langkawi: 0ld rose under the gas lamp
langkawi: It's a Bug's Life
langkawi: Just hanging in there
langkawi: Hoch hinaus
langkawi: For bees, the flower is the fountain of life / For flowers, the bee is the messenger of love (Khalil Gibran)
langkawi: Entblättert
langkawi: I got your back
langkawi: Have a wonderful weekend!
langkawi: Blumige Grüße!
langkawi: Hinein ins Vergnügen!