langkawi: Hey! Do you have a reservation?
langkawi: Most popular birdbath ever...
langkawi: Abflug
langkawi: Zwischen den Sonntagsspaziergängern im Tiergarten...
langkawi: ignoramus
langkawi: "She's so full of herself, don't dare to look back!"
langkawi: Kunstsinnig
langkawi: On the lookout
langkawi: And you're sure this boat will take us home?
langkawi: Enjoy your weekend!
langkawi: Now can you believe it, they are taking off on their own!
langkawi: I'm walking
langkawi: See you later kids, I'm taking off for the night!
langkawi: Graureiher
langkawi: What was that?
langkawi: urban nature
langkawi: oh no, it's monday again!
langkawi: yoga at the pond
langkawi: Don't think I'll get my feet wet today....
langkawi: Meet the family
langkawi: Lasst euch entspannt ins Wochenende gleiten...
langkawi: Wer ist denn hier wasserscheu ;-)?
langkawi: Now let's see what's for breakfast!
langkawi: Step back, I'm on duty!
langkawi: And now GET LOST!
langkawi: Fluffy swan babies
langkawi: Here's looking at you, babe...
langkawi: Family bliss
langkawi: the german way
langkawi: monster feet