mirrormatch: Me, myself, a river, a couple of beers, a designated driver, no clouds, some green stuff above and of course, my camera.
mirrormatch: A short outburst of Aurora on Kvaløya 09.01.14.
mirrormatch: Skulsfjorden under a rather boring aurora
mirrormatch: Aurora Volcano. Kattfjordeidet, Kvaløya 27.01.14.
mirrormatch: Aurora on a pink sky.
mirrormatch: Snake head corona
mirrormatch: Aurora panorama from Håkøya, Tromsø.
mirrormatch: 20 minutes of aurora bliss.
mirrormatch: Snapshot from Tromsø 01.02.14. Incredible lights!
mirrormatch: Under a greenlit sky
mirrormatch: Aurora and the water tank
mirrormatch: Stjernehimmel og nordlys over Skulsfjorden 02.02.14.
mirrormatch: Aurora Doodle
mirrormatch: Arkivbilde fra Tromvik
mirrormatch: Urban Aurora
mirrormatch: Grøtfjorden, Kvaløya.
mirrormatch: Extreme wide angle panorama. Tricky! Kattfjordeidet, Kvaløya, Norway.
mirrormatch: Green river.
mirrormatch: Aurora on a frozen river
mirrormatch: Aurora @my favourite spot.
mirrormatch: Wonderful Ersfjorden! Last, faint, aurora of the season?
mirrormatch: Nordlys over Håja.
mirrormatch: Nødstopp på Storelva kl. 01.00 i natt. En mann på himmelen vinka til oss at vi skulle stoppe...
mirrormatch: Aurora above Sommarøy
mirrormatch: The Eagle
mirrormatch: Lost Highway
mirrormatch: Driving underneath the northern light
mirrormatch: The Angel
mirrormatch: Descending light
mirrormatch: King size corona!