langalex: power - check
langalex: palm pre is more exciting than everyone's iphone these days
langalex: sleep & go
langalex: IMG_7244
langalex: railslove's marketing machine is always working
langalex: well, english food, what can i say
langalex: hostel rooms
langalex: i can haz lots of computaz
langalex: taking meta pictures
langalex: "lunch"
langalex: @paulca and @kilaulena discussing couchapp
langalex: that's how we like it
langalex: a late night session of settlers
langalex: most played game: urban terror
langalex: IMG_7218
langalex: i love building web applications - railslove again
langalex: IMG_7212
langalex: the second room
langalex: IMG_7209
langalex: IMG_7208
langalex: the place was packed with 56 people
langalex: the hostel was all ours
langalex: our street
langalex: sunset walk
langalex: the beach
langalex: IMG_7188
langalex: low tide at the ocean
langalex: brrrr
langalex: IMG_7175
langalex: IMG_7171