Landie_Man: Make the dead mobile. Till they are in a better place
Landie_Man: Body Fridge
Landie_Man: Slide them in for chilling
Landie_Man: Empty spaces
Landie_Man: Not much time for this old place
Landie_Man: Stairway to the lower floor
Landie_Man: For lifting the infirm
Landie_Man: Visitors Paitently Wait
Landie_Man: Pink Corridors
Landie_Man: So much mould for three years
Landie_Man: Moss Carpet
Landie_Man: Theres an Office in there Somewhere
Landie_Man: Musbury Flat
Landie_Man: Records soon to be Revoked
Landie_Man: Files for many a Paitent
Landie_Man: DSC00278
Landie_Man: Best have a Lie Down
Landie_Man: Music keeps the time flying
Landie_Man: A bed no more
Landie_Man: It doesn't matter how it tastes, as long as its warm
Landie_Man: Peely Wallpaper Heaven
Landie_Man: A sleep
Landie_Man: Three years Shows
Landie_Man: Wet and Damp
Landie_Man: Organ
Landie_Man: Paitents Paintings
Landie_Man: Painting of a Paitent
Landie_Man: Damn Lens fault. External