Landie_Man: Close up of the rear house at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Front of the house at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Side of the house at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Rear of the farm House at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Gable end of the barn atThe Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Long Shot of the barn at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: A tumbled down structure in the garden at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Medium shot of the rear of house at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: The excellent wood work on the roof of the barn at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Feeding Shed at the The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Stable at the The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Rear of house at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Inside the barn at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: DSC00570
Landie_Man: Lawn mower engine
Landie_Man: DSC00568
Landie_Man: The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: inside one of The Alternative Model Farms sheds
Landie_Man: Feeding Troughs at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Barn at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: Water Pump at The Alternative Model Farm
Landie_Man: DSC00586
Landie_Man: DSC00585