The Land Conservancy of BC:
Birthday potluck! Some of our volunteers and staff at TLC's Lower Mainland Office at Eagles Estate in Burnaby
The Land Conservancy of BC:
A gluten free potluck!
The Land Conservancy of BC:
TLC staff members Lynsey Dobbie and Heather Skydt
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Our wonderful garden volunteer Claudia from Munich, Germany
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Lynsey lovin' her birthday attire
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Della, volunteer extraordinaire at Eagles Estate - 7 years of serve!!
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Homemade vegan gluten free birthday cake for TLC
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Delicious bliss balls for the festivities
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Happy birthday TLC!
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Another birthday cake - this time in Victoria at TLC's head office
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Smile! Our birthday bear and staff member Valerie Jane Watkins are getting ready to cut a piece
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Make a wish!
The Land Conservancy of BC:
Director of Operations Kathleen Sheppard dishes out the cake. Who wants an end piece?
The Land Conservancy of BC:
The many faces of TLC! Happy 15th birthday.