The Land Conservancy of BC: Bed and breakfast
The Land Conservancy of BC: Reception building
The Land Conservancy of BC: Healing Centre drainage
The Land Conservancy of BC: Healing Centre - homemade windows
The Land Conservancy of BC: Healing Centre fireplace
The Land Conservancy of BC: Healing Centre's circle of life tree
The Land Conservancy of BC: Agricultural lands
The Land Conservancy of BC: Communal kitchen
The Land Conservancy of BC: Internet cafe during the summer
The Land Conservancy of BC: Life Begins in the Garden
The Land Conservancy of BC: Agricultural lands at OUR Ecovillage
The Land Conservancy of BC: Turkey strutting his stuff
The Land Conservancy of BC: Sheep in the woods
The Land Conservancy of BC: Sheep on Vision Hill
The Land Conservancy of BC: Sheep on Vision Hill #2
The Land Conservancy of BC: Two sheep striking a pose
The Land Conservancy of BC: Cobb House Under Construction
The Land Conservancy of BC: Outdoor showers & sinks
The Land Conservancy of BC: Jade and Jenn, TLC employees warming up inside with a cup of tea