land & cinders: laid a suitcase on my chest / so i could feel somebody's weight
land & cinders: the tone of your voice
land & cinders: jumay with vessel
land & cinders: from the 'come here clipped bird' performance
land & cinders: come here clipped bird
land & cinders: flour projection
land & cinders: draw an onion & place it in the suitcase thank you
land & cinders: torn map house, installation view, from above
land & cinders: build something / undo harm
land & cinders: ax & moon
land & cinders: black cloud yes
land & cinders: mung beans with corn husk spoons
land & cinders: onion chandelier
land & cinders: chandelier detail
land & cinders: chandelier from below
land & cinders: hanging from the onion chandelier
land & cinders: ladder after tea ceremony
land & cinders: some items that were available to barter / trade
land & cinders: barter/trade
land & cinders: view from above
land & cinders: from above
land & cinders: projection still
land & cinders: loved into recession
land & cinders: give up the give & take