land & cinders: magnolia breech detail
land & cinders: magnolia breech detail
land & cinders: magnolia breech weaving on found bed
land & cinders: open hive I.
land & cinders: floating world hive
land & cinders: tin and ash
land & cinders: sun city
land & cinders: that we belong to the clouds now
land & cinders: sierrah with copper bowl
land & cinders: clay and rice hive
land & cinders: dust on the tongue
land & cinders: my mother has always tied grapevine to everything around her
land & cinders: feeling of gaze
land & cinders: notes for the herbalist
land & cinders: painted robe with wheat grass
land & cinders: study for vase and grave, 30"x80"
land & cinders: apron of pine needles
land & cinders: radios in the moons, 16" x 6"
land & cinders: drawing fireflies from the well, 7ft. x7ft.
land & cinders: arrival on burlap
land & cinders: detail, roped weeds
land & cinders: detail, wax with hemp
land & cinders: hives with figure
land & cinders: sierrah with vines
land & cinders: tarnished, yes
land & cinders: remaining joshua tree vessel