Land Matters Photography:
Moonrise in Maine
Land Matters Photography:
Sunset in Maine
Land Matters Photography:
Golden hour light in Maine
Land Matters Photography:
Island hopping in Maine
Land Matters Photography:
Rope rimlight
Land Matters Photography:
Captain Dennis at the helm, Camden, Maine
Land Matters Photography:
4:30 am summer equinox sunrise in Camden, Maine
Land Matters Photography:
Windjammer mast reflection, Camden, Maine, Longest Day of the year
Land Matters Photography:
Rowing to shore, Stonington, Maine on a foggy morning
Land Matters Photography:
Anchor windless
Land Matters Photography:
Beached dory on Pond Island, Maine
Land Matters Photography:
A pleasant sunset!
Land Matters Photography:
Pond Island seascape
Land Matters Photography:
Pond Island seascape
Land Matters Photography:
Pond Island Anchorage
Land Matters Photography:
Land Matters Photography:
Beach stones
Land Matters Photography:
Furling the mainsail
Land Matters Photography:
Maine lobster bake
Land Matters Photography:
Maine lobster bake!
Land Matters Photography:
Anchor chain on the Angelique
Land Matters Photography:
Deadeye on Ketch Angelique
Land Matters Photography:
Morning coffee on the Angelique Ketch
Land Matters Photography:
A beautiful Gulf of Maine Day!
Land Matters Photography:
Seascape from Pond Island, Maine
Land Matters Photography:
Forest ferns in Brooklin, Maine
Land Matters Photography:
The desolation of Pond Island, Maine
Land Matters Photography:
Safe harbor!
Land Matters Photography:
Lowering the Main Gaff Topsail and mast
Land Matters Photography:
Ketch Angelique helm