Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 2: [A]mber
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 4: [B]arbie
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 6: [C]ookies
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 7: [D]am
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 9: [E]arth
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 10: [E]vanescence
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 11: [F]ondue
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 13: [G]lade
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 15: [H]am Heist
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 18: [I]nsect
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 23: [L]ava Lamp
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 29: [O]veralls
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 36: [R]evolutionary
Ottmar, Jolly, and Joni: TT&T Week 39: [T]olkien