lancewebel: The best place to see blue sky in China
lancewebel: Our home in Chengdu
lancewebel: We liked these lanterns in the stairwells
lancewebel: The Wenshu Monastary gate
lancewebel: Texting and driving, China style
lancewebel: Missing something?
lancewebel: Storecle
lancewebel: Sichuan food is deliciously spicy ... it contains "ma la", which makes your tongue and throat tingle on top of the spicy pepper
lancewebel: Spicy noodles, mala beef, and some assorted veggies
lancewebel: Sichuan street food
lancewebel: Meat kabob
lancewebel: Veggie kabob
lancewebel: Early one morning, we visited the famous Panda Research Center
lancewebel: The mist still hung heavily in the air (making photos pretty difficult)
lancewebel: And some of the pandas hung heavily in the shade
lancewebel: They're pretty lazy creatures
lancewebel: Pandas just sit around and eat all day
lancewebel: And all year
lancewebel: Can't get enough!
lancewebel: It was almost more fun to watch the crowds watch the pandas
lancewebel: The told us that these were "red pandas", but I'm pretty sure that they were Ewoks
lancewebel: Or some sort of animatronic dolls
lancewebel: Breakfast!
lancewebel: They even looked fake when they climbed the trees!
lancewebel: A lone voyager braves the wild forest of my knee
lancewebel: The research center had the most ridiculous display I've ever seen in any type of museum, with giant handmade animals attacking each other
lancewebel: I'm not sure what this is supposed to be.
lancewebel: These boys were making boats out of paper ... I caught them playing with them in the bathroom sink
lancewebel: One evening in Chengdu, we went to a Sichuan opera performance