lancewebel: Our luxury bus from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
lancewebel: The Petronas Towers used to be the tallest in the world
lancewebel: We tried to get tickets to go up to the skybridge, but they sold all 1000 for the day before we got there at 8:30am
lancewebel: The Malaysian language is quite entertaining
lancewebel: Sweet grafeet
lancewebel: We stayed in Chinatown, always bustling and hustling
lancewebel: A typical lunch we had there
lancewebel: Found your car, Ronda!
lancewebel: Representing the Motor City
lancewebel: Sweet ride!
lancewebel: Mmm, smoothies
lancewebel: In "bed"
lancewebel: GOTCHA
lancewebel: Chinatown really came alive at night, with tons of markets and fake goods you can bargain for
lancewebel: We also walked a bit around Little India
lancewebel: I forget the name of this fruit ... ask Kristen
lancewebel: Ordering BBQ
lancewebel: Grilling BBQ
lancewebel: Eating BBQ
lancewebel: We also visited Aquaria, the national aquarium of Malaysia
lancewebel: Tower of tinfoil barbs
lancewebel: Silver arowana
lancewebel: Some huge malformed fish in the depths
lancewebel: These "doctor fish" ate the dead skin off of our feet
lancewebel: They especially liked Kristen
lancewebel: Though I'm not sure that she liked them!
lancewebel: My turn!
lancewebel: Ahhh, relaxing!
lancewebel: Electric eel
lancewebel: Red-bellied piranha