lancewebel: The little cousins
lancewebel: In Yueyang
lancewebel: Bing xia
lancewebel: High tech toy
lancewebel: Me and Nate
lancewebel: Lunch
lancewebel: AppleTV
lancewebel: Independence!
lancewebel: Our picnic
lancewebel: Greens
lancewebel: Accessories
lancewebel: The fireworks
lancewebel: Lighting all 6 boxes
lancewebel: We were sad to say goodbye to our hosts, but excited to move on to Changsha and Loudi
lancewebel: The sign says "Capacity: 118" ... we sure proved that wrong!
lancewebel: Her shirt says "MADONNA. KYLIE. BJORK. ERRGIE. EYONCE.
lancewebel: I think I need a smokwg.
lancewebel: Since when do they serve cats at McDonalds?
lancewebel: In the fields
lancewebel: On track
lancewebel: We then went to Loudi, the city where I lived in 2006-2007
lancewebel: We met three of my former students to walk around the city and have some lunch
lancewebel: This park in Liangang had no water in it while I lived there
lancewebel: Handmade jiaozi
lancewebel: The damage
lancewebel: Holmes, King, me, Kristen, and Lucy
lancewebel: Typical street
lancewebel: Pipe dreams
lancewebel: Keeping an eye
lancewebel: Yep, they're constantly renovating in Loudi