lancewebel: Supermodel
lancewebel: 2008 CHCA Middle School Track Team Photo
lancewebel: Model pose
lancewebel: Teamwork
lancewebel: Handoff
lancewebel: Passing on the baton
lancewebel: Determination
lancewebel: Neck and neck
lancewebel: Serial hurdler
lancewebel: On wings like eagles
lancewebel: Sailing
lancewebel: Out of frame
lancewebel: Flying high
lancewebel: Liftoff
lancewebel: Airborne
lancewebel: Rhythm
lancewebel: Full steam
lancewebel: Laa-lee-laa-lee-laa-lee-laa-lee
lancewebel: Sprinting
lancewebel: Shadowing
lancewebel: Get up
lancewebel: High jumper
lancewebel: Homestretch
lancewebel: Toetop
lancewebel: Running strong
lancewebel: Cheek to cheek