lancelonie: Day 4: Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.
lancelonie: Day 5: Spread your wings and let the fairy in you fly!
lancelonie: Day 6: I love being a girl because I'm my Daddy's little girl and that rocks!
lancelonie: Day 7: Beauty is but a flower, which wrinkles will devour.
lancelonie: Day 8: My dream's reflections
lancelonie: Day 9: A child's smile is one of life's greatest blessings.
lancelonie: Day 14: What sunglasses do for you according to Posh Spice
lancelonie: Day 21: Beauty of their last days
lancelonie: Day 23: Today's wisdom
lancelonie: Day 50: Out of your gourd
lancelonie: Day 51: Happy-Gourd-Lucky
lancelonie: Day 52: Three bokeh pumpkins
lancelonie: Day 53: McMummy returns
lancelonie: Day 54: Miss Boo-tato and Lady Goghost... (on comment)
lancelonie: Day 83: Granddaughter