Adventures with E&L: Sweetwater Wetlands, Before Cleanup
Adventures with E&L: Sweetwater Wetlands, Before
Adventures with E&L: Female Bobcat (Lynx rufus)
Adventures with E&L: Bathtime!
Adventures with E&L: Can I Help You?
Adventures with E&L: What Are You Looking At?
Adventures with E&L: On the Prowl
Adventures with E&L: Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)
Adventures with E&L: Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer)
Adventures with E&L: Sweetwater, After Cleanup
Adventures with E&L: Erin with Garbage Collected at Sweetwater Wetlands
Adventures with E&L: Amy Goodman, Signing Her New Book
Adventures with E&L: Cleverly Hidden Letterbox, Exterior
Adventures with E&L: Cleverly Hidden Letterbox, Interior
Adventures with E&L: Homemade Road Sign
Adventures with E&L: Pond Slider (Trachemys scripta)
Adventures with E&L: Laying Eggs is Hard Work!
Adventures with E&L: Brightly Colored Pond Slider (Trachemys scripta)
Adventures with E&L: Swimming Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula)
Adventures with E&L: Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)
Adventures with E&L: Curious Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus)
Adventures with E&L: Busy Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus)
Adventures with E&L: Crabby Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus)
Adventures with E&L: Zebra-tailed Lizard (Callisaurus draconoides)
Adventures with E&L: Arizona Cotton Rat (Sigmodon arizonae)
Adventures with E&L: Swarm of Bees
Adventures with E&L: Assortment of Birds at Sweetwater Wetlands
Adventures with E&L: Adult Harris's Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)
Adventures with E&L: Harris's Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)