Adventures with E&L: Quitobaquito Pupfish (Cyprinodon eremus) - Females
Adventures with E&L: Common Side-blotched Lizard (Uta stansburiana)
Adventures with E&L: Looking East to the Ajo Mountains
Adventures with E&L: Memorial to Ranger Kris Eggle
Adventures with E&L: Cactus Filled Hillside
Adventures with E&L: Old Ajo-Sonoyta Road
Adventures with E&L: Creosotes and Saguaros Dominate the Bajada
Adventures with E&L: Organ Pipe Cactus (Stenocereus thurberi)
Adventures with E&L: White-throated Woodrat Nest
Adventures with E&L: New Growth on Damaged Arm
Adventures with E&L: Remains of an Organ Pipe Cactus
Adventures with E&L: Saguaros Flank an Organ Pipe
Adventures with E&L: Organ Pipe Cactus Skeleton
Adventures with E&L: In the Ajo Mountains
Adventures with E&L: Looking Up Aptly Named Arch Canyon
Adventures with E&L: Organ Pipes and Saguaros
Adventures with E&L: Telescopes on Kitt Peak