Adventures with E&L:
Distant Mountains
Adventures with E&L:
CAP Recharge Ponds in Avra Valley
Adventures with E&L:
View of Avra Valley
Adventures with E&L:
Western Screech Owl (Otus kennicottii)
Adventures with E&L:
Western Screech Owl - Winking
Adventures with E&L:
Hummingbird on Nest
Adventures with E&L:
Look at My Colors, Costa's Hummingbird - Male
Adventures with E&L:
Costa's Hummingbird - Male
Adventures with E&L:
Hummingbird Nest
Adventures with E&L:
Talking Costa's Hummingbird - Female
Adventures with E&L:
Right There, Behind the Ear
Adventures with E&L:
Time for a Scratch
Adventures with E&L:
Oh, That Feels Good
Adventures with E&L:
Costa's Hummingbird - F (Calypte costae)
Adventures with E&L:
Allen's Hummingbird - F (Selasphorus sasin)
Adventures with E&L:
Broad-billed Hummingbird - Male
Adventures with E&L:
Broad-billed Hummingbird - M (Cynanthus latirostris)
Adventures with E&L:
Curious Red-crowned Parrot
Adventures with E&L:
Red-crowned Parrot
Adventures with E&L:
Gambel's Quail - M (Callipepla gambelii)
Adventures with E&L:
Arizona Cotton Rat (Sigmodon arizonae)
Adventures with E&L:
Yellow Grosbeak - M (Pheucticus chrysopeplus)
Adventures with E&L:
Black-headed Grosbeak - M (Pheucticus melanocephalus)
Adventures with E&L:
Northern Bobwhite - M (Colinus virginianus)
Adventures with E&L:
Northern Bobwhite - Female, Side View
Adventures with E&L:
Northern Bobwhite - Female
Adventures with E&L:
Wild Turkey, Scratching for a Cool Place to Rest
Adventures with E&L:
Western Tanager - M (Piranga ludoviciana)
Adventures with E&L:
White-winged Dove - On Nest
Adventures with E&L:
Bighorn Sheep - Ram (Ovis canadensis)