Adventures with E&L:
Bright Spot in the Forest (Cornus florida)
Adventures with E&L:
Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Adventures with E&L:
American Wisteria Bloom (Wisteria frutescens)
Adventures with E&L:
Coston Homesite Marker
Adventures with E&L:
Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia)
Adventures with E&L:
Park Entrance
Adventures with E&L:
Still Water Reflection
Adventures with E&L:
Lichen on Bark
Adventures with E&L:
Loblolly Pine Bark (Pinus taeda)
Adventures with E&L:
Homesite Marker
Adventures with E&L:
Old Grave
Adventures with E&L:
Adventures with E&L:
Lake Bob Sandlin
Adventures with E&L:
Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Adventures with E&L:
Speckled Toad
Adventures with E&L:
Stumps in the Lake
Adventures with E&L:
Turtle Shell, No Longer in Use
Adventures with E&L:
Tiny Toad
Adventures with E&L:
Great Blue Heron on Perch (Ardea herodias)
Adventures with E&L:
Great Blue Heron Nests (Ardea herodias)
Adventures with E&L:
Frog in Pollen
Adventures with E&L:
Pollen on the Lake
Adventures with E&L:
Pollen Designs
Adventures with E&L:
I Am Not!!!
Adventures with E&L:
Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
Adventures with E&L:
Eastern Bluebird Protecting His Stump (Sialia sialis)
Adventures with E&L:
Cicada Exoskeletons (Tibicen sp.)
Adventures with E&L:
Adventures with E&L:
Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)