George Lamson: Info map of Bale Grist Mill SHP in Napa-02 2-24-24
George Lamson: Memorial plaques at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa 2-24-24
George Lamson: Info sign on water power at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-01 2-24-24
George Lamson: Info sign at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-01 2-24-24
George Lamson: Mill building at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-13 2-24-24
George Lamson: Paddle wheel at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-06 2-24-24
George Lamson: Paddle wheel at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-05 2-24-24
George Lamson: Mill building at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-04 2-24-24
George Lamson: Milling demonstation at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-03 2-24-24
George Lamson: Interior of mil at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-05 2-24-24
George Lamson: Interior of mil at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-04 2-24-24
George Lamson: Interior of mil at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-03 2-24-24
George Lamson: Interior of mil at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa-02 2-24-24
George Lamson: Mill at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa pano 2-24-24
George Lamson: Hub of paddle wheel at Bane Grist Mill SHP in Napa 2-24-24
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-13 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-12 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-11 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-10 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-09 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-08 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-07 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-06 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-05 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-04 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-03 3-11-22-1
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-02 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures combined in downtown Napa-02 3-11-22
George Lamson: Light sculptures in downtown Napa-01 3-11-22-1
George Lamson: Green hills in southern Napa from Artesia winery pano1 1-14-21