George Lamson: Camping at Lonepine before climbing Mt Whitney 6-27-84
George Lamson: Campsite on trail to east face of Mt Whitney 6-28-84
George Lamson: Marcy and Gordon at campsite on trail to east face of Mt Whitney 6-28-84
George Lamson: Gordan Cann GL Marcy Blackman at trailhead to Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Mt Whitney massif 6-27-84
George Lamson: Gordon Cann Marcy Blackman looking for trail to Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Gordon Cann Marcy Blackman camping at Lower Boyscout Lake at Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Gordon and Mary camping on trail to Mt Whitney 6-27-84
George Lamson: Gordon and Marcy cooking dinner at camp on trail to Mt Whitney 6-27-84
George Lamson: Sunset over Boyscout Lake at Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Shooting Stars along trail to Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Marcy hiking trail to east face of Mt Whitney 6-28-84
George Lamson: Lower Boyscout Lake on trail to Mt Whitney 6-28-84
George Lamson: Beaver Tail cactus flowers near trail to Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Knarled pine trees on trail to Iceburg Lake at Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Gordan Cann resting on trail to Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Mt Whitney massif on trail to Iceberg Lake 7-84
George Lamson: Gordon bouldering at Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 6-29-84
George Lamson: Marcy and marmot at Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 6-29-84
George Lamson: Marcy at the foot of Whitney massif 6-29-84
George Lamson: Marmot at Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 6-29-84
George Lamson: Gordon Cann Marcy Blackman at campsite on snow at Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Gordon Cann at snow camp on Mt Whitney 7-84
George Lamson: Early morning sun on Mt Whitney massif 7-84
George Lamson: Gordon and Marcy climbing to Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 6-29-84
George Lamson: Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 6-29-84
George Lamson: Gordon wading in Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 6-29-84
George Lamson: Whitney massif from Iceberg Lake 6-29-84
George Lamson: Gordon fishing in Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney 6-29-84
George Lamson: Marmot at Iceberg Lake at Mt Whitney-02 6-29-84_2