George Lamson: Sue Ann Dick Luna Chaco LC buying tram tickets at Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Sue Ann Dick Luna Chaco LC buying tram tickets at Squaw Valley-03 8-24-12
George Lamson: LC Calla Maggie at tram at Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: LC Sue Calla Maggie waiting for tram at Squaw Valley 8-24-12
George Lamson: LC Sue Calla Maggie on tram at Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Buildings at Squaw Valley taken from tram 8-24-12
George Lamson: Tram shadow on rock wall at Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Rock formations from tram at Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Rock formations from tram at Squaw Valley-04 8-24-12
George Lamson: Rock formations from tram at Squaw Valley-05 8-24-12
George Lamson: Tram car at Squaw Valley-01 8-21-12
George Lamson: Rock formations from tram at Squaw Valley-06 8-24-12
George Lamson: Tram car at Squaw Valley-02 8-21-12
George Lamson: Rock formations from tram at Squaw Valley-07 8-24-12
George Lamson: View of High Camp from tram at Squaw Valley 8-24-12
George Lamson: Shirley Valley at Squaw Valley 8-24-12
George Lamson: LC Sue Ann Calla Luna on tram at Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: LC Calla Maggie at High Camp at Squaw Valley-03 8-24-12
George Lamson: LC Maggie Calla Luna Sue Ann Chaco Dick at High Camp at Squaw Valley-05 8-24-12
George Lamson: LC Maggie Calla Luna Sue Ann Chaco Dick at High Camp at Squaw Valley-12 8-24-12
George Lamson: Dick LC Luna Chaco Ann at High Camp at Squaw Valley-05 8-24-12
George Lamson: Calla Maggie on trail at top of Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Ann LC Sue hiking at top of Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Large snag at top of Squaw Valley 8-24-12
George Lamson: Shirley Lake lift at top of Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Shirley Lake Valley from top of Squaw Valley 8-24-12
George Lamson: Luna Ann LC Sue hiking at top of Squaw Valley 8-24-12
George Lamson: Luna Ann LC Chaco Sue Dick hiking at top of Squaw Valley 8-24-12
George Lamson: Fireweed at top of Squaw Valley-01 8-24-12
George Lamson: Luna Ann LC Sue Dick Chaco hiking up to Emigrant peak 8-24-12