Lambda Archives of San Diego: Nicole Murray Ramirez c.1976
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Nicole Murray Ramirez c.1976
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Chris Kehoe and Jeri Dilno(right) at San Diego Democratic Club event, 1985
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Nicole Murray Ramirez(left) and Albert Bell(right) standing with Jesse Jackson at 2nd March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, October 11, 1987
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Barbara Crusberg, c.1986
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Jeri Dilno and Jess Jessop
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Lambda Archives Pride Tent, 1989- Jess Jessop (far right)
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Bob Filner, Eighth District San Diego City Councilman (left), presents a proclamation to John Eberly commending him for service to the San Diego Democratic Club, The Metropolitan Community Church and the community
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Herb King(far left) at Hillcrest Wing Ensemble Awards Banquet
Lambda Archives of San Diego: State Assembleyman John Vasconcellos was a recent guest of honor at a reception hosted by San Diego Democratic Club President Jeri Dilno and Harvey Milk Democratic Club President Nicole Ramirez Murray
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Johnathan Dunn Rankin, left and Brad Truax at Democratic Club Event
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Inside San Diego Gay Center, c.1992
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Gay Center, 5th Avenue behind Brass Rail 1992
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Hanging of re-built HILLCREST sign(re-lit August 16, 1984)
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Bookmark Bookstore in Kensington
Lambda Archives of San Diego: The original Stepping Stone @23rd & B- Across B Street from the Gay Center
Lambda Archives of San Diego: 1st meeting of Ministries United for gay understanding at Metropolitan Community Church, San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Evonne Schultz @ Gay Center Auction, Hotel San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego: P085.010m.r- Albert Bell, 1991 San Diego Gay Pride Parade