Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992 Cynthia Lawrence Wallace Director, 5th from right
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Festival, 1992, San Diego Women's Chorus and San Diego Men's Chorus Performing together
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Festival, 1992, San Diego Women's Chorus and San Diego Men's Chorus Performing together Cynthia Lawrence Wallace Director (far right) and Cathy Rockdashil speaking (center).
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992 National Organization For Women
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992 National Organization For Women, Lesbian Rights Campaign
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992, Christine Kehoe Rally Speaker
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992, San Diego Peace Officers
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, 1992, 'Queen Eddie' Conlon, Red Dress
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade July, 1992: Diane Germain (left) and Pam Gusha (right)
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, July 1992: Patty Zowolinski (left)
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade July, 1992: Laura Wayne left, Johanna right
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Festival, 1992, Cynthia Lawrence Wallace (left) Vertez Burks (right)
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Festival, 1992
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival, July 1992: Partners Sheila Clark (left) with Judy Reif (right) members of San Diego Women's Chorus in front of Shirtails Dances booth.
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival, July 1992: Makeda Dread (Left) in front of Shirtails Dances Booth
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival, July 1992
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival, July 1992: Police uniform, military uniform, and costume dress on display
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival, July 1992: Partners Sheila Clark (left) and Judy Reif (right) at the Shirtails Dances booth
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Festival, July 1992: Vertez Burks speaking at the festival main stage
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival 1992: Roberta and Maria holding Sisters Involved (SI) banner
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, July 1995: Volunteers holding 'Out & Free' 1995 theme Banner
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, July 1995: Jeri Dilno (center) walking the parade route
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBT Pride Parade, July 1995
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, July 1995: Spectators watching the parade
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, July 1995: San Diego Women's Chorus, with Cynthia Lawrence Wallace (center) standing in the back of a Jeep
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, July 1995: San Diego Women's Chorus walks the parade route carrying their banner
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, July 1995: San Diego Men's Chorus holding their banner
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego LGBTQ Pride Parade, July 1995: San Diego Men's Chorus singing, they carry the large Rainbow Flag that crowd members throw money into.