Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.001m.r.t Gay Center Reunion at home of Cynthia Lawrence-Wallace 1992: Cynthia Lawrence-Wallace, Peggy Heathers, and Burt Lewis
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.002m.r.t Kate Johnson reading Archives Newsletter at Lesbian and Gay Archives of San Diego 5th Avenue location
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.003m.r.t Woman at Lesbian and Gay Archives of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.004m.r.t Woman at Lesbian and Gay Archives of San Diego opening a present.
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.005m.r.t Sharon Parker (left), Dennis Fiordaliso and two other women at Lesbian and Gay Archives of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.006m.r.t Lambda Archives Board of Directors: (L to R) Sharon Parker, Susan Richards, Dennis Fiordaliso, Bruce Kamerling, Doug Moore, Frank Nobiletti, Jim Oberle
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.007m.r.t Jim "Dad" Oberle at Lambda Archives of San Diego 5th Avenue location
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.010m.r.t Women's history event at Shirtails, 1990
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.011m.r.t Unidentified man in a bar
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.012m.r.t Three men on street, including David (left) and Steve Holt (right)
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.013m.r.t Portrait of unidentified man
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.014m.r.t Frank Stiriti hosing down a filter
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.015m.r.t Three men at social event in a press room
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.016m.r.t Portrait of unidentified man
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.017m.r.t Don Reese at the beach
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.018m.r.t Men posing for picture at bowling alley
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.019m.r.t Jules Wertis at Lambda Archives 5th Avenue location, 1991.
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.020m.r.t Jim Ely working on timeline of Lesbian and Gay Historical Society of San Diego, 5th Avenue location.
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.021m.r.t Jim Ely, Alex Cofield, Debbie Zeyher prepare timeline for festival at Lesbian and Gay Historical Society of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.022m.r.t Jim Ely reading magazines in Lesbian and Gay Historical Society of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.023m.r.t Jeri Dilno sitting on a couch
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.029m.r.t Entrance of Long Beach Gay Pride Festival 1989
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.030m.r.t Stage of Long Beach Gay Pride Festival 1989
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.031m.r.t Stage of Long Beach Gay Pride Festival 1989
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.032m.r.t Picture of Long Beach Gay Pride Festival grounds and aquatic park.
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.033m.r.t Shirtless men standing at Long Beach Bay looking at the Queen Mary during Long Beach Gay Pride Festival 1989.
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.034m.r.t Two women wearing tuxedos and masks at an event at the Center (possibly Valentine's Day).
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.035m.r.t Mike Passante and Debbie Chaddock at an event at the Center (possibly Valentine's Day).
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.043m.r.t John Graham, David Rubin, and Queen Eddie with other people on stage during Queen Ceremony.
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P243.044m.r.t John Graham, David Rubin, and Queen Eddie with other people on stage during Queen Ceremony.