Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive , 1983: Jeri Dilno
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Jeri Dilno sitting
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Carol Adsit speaking with guests in front of Blood Bank entrance
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive 1983: Bridget Wilson (pink shirt), Ann Ramsey (orange pants) tabling with other volunteers outside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive 1983: A woman showing off her bandage post blood-draw
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Carol Adsit speaking with guests at check-in table outside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Peggy Skill waiting while another woman signs in at check-in table outside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Three women standing outside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Volunteer checking in at the registration desk outside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983- waiting room inside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Lola Halpern (pink striped shirt), Peggy Skill and other women standing outside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Lola Halpern (pink striped shirt) standing with Kim McAlister outside Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983 waiting room of Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983- having their blood drawn
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983:
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983-Peggy Skill checking in
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983: Full waiting room at the Blood Bank
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983- Peggy Skill having her temperature taken
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983- Peggy Skill having her temperature taken
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive, 1983- Peggy Skill
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
Blood Sisters blood drive 1983, Catherine Kroger (right) and Carol Adsit (left) standing in front of Blood Bank entrance