Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.001m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Building exterior
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.002m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Gutted/empty hallway
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.004m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Empty hallway with small cubicle
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.005m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Close up of small cubicle
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.006m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: People cleaning, preparing to paint
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.007m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Woman painting cupboard wearing a hat that reads: "VISTA"
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.008m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Person pasting border on wall with hat that reads: "VISTA"
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.009m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Woman and man painting walls
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.010m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Man painting a small crawl space
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.011m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Man painting around window
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.012m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Man and woman setting up a sound system and piano outside
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.013m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Women singing outside of building, sign on speakers that reads: "PAM AND MAGGIE"
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.014m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Group of people, Karen Marshall (far left) David (second left), Jeff (center)
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.015m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Group standing inside, (L to R) Devon, Patty, Cathy, and James
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.016m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Bonnie and Paul inside building
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.017m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: (L to R) Leslie, Paul, and Abitian outside
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.018m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Close up of two people (Russell Roybal on right)
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.019m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Karen Marshall (left) and another woman with a Hometown Buffet Bee mascot
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.020m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Woman sitting at a desk writing
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.021m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Cheli Mohamed sitting at a table in front of "CENTER BINGO" sign
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.022m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Woman sitting at a computer below shelves of books
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.023m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Man at computer
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.024m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Group of people (Cheli Mohamed center) next to Bingo sign
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.025m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Group of people (Cheli Mohamed center) next to Bingo sign
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.026m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: People waiting in line for bingo cards, Cheli Mohamed (front in vest)
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.027m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Bingo announcer Russell Roybal
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.028m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: People playing bingo
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.029m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Women playing bingo
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.030m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Women in the office
Lambda Archives of San Diego:
P235.031m.r.t North County Center, San Diego: Russell Roybal volunteering at Bingo game