lamb08: one sneaky kiss
lamb08: my birthday in mexico
lamb08: us two together
lamb08: a true photographer never stops
lamb08: this is me and i am alive!!!!
lamb08: the cuban statue
lamb08: captivated
lamb08: earring or moustache?
lamb08: tablet time?
lamb08: beat box boy
lamb08: cheeky
lamb08: yes i am a mexican xx
lamb08: enjoying the view
lamb08: a happy mjf xx
lamb08: caught again
lamb08: one tight sqeezy chicken bus
lamb08: capturing you
lamb08: all eyes
lamb08: breakfast in oslo with my honey
lamb08: happy feet
lamb08: contemplating
lamb08: I touch the sun and I feel alive
lamb08: happy
lamb08: stereolab lined up booties
lamb08: looking out to sea
lamb08: mooky mooks
lamb08: shadow time
lamb08: shadow fun
lamb08: oh beautiful lagoon
lamb08: "got to snap this view" !!!!!!