HoL!D@Y: Shut up and pay your money
HoL!D@Y: Always free a hand for your other half
HoL!D@Y: Hey I just met you, I want your cookie!
HoL!D@Y: Gorgeous
HoL!D@Y: ఠ_ఠ
komehachi888: have a nice weekend!
▣□ 陳 虧 寶 □▣: 關於追尋自我安靜的那一刻
▣□ 陳 虧 寶 □▣: 關於追尋自我安靜的那一刻
komehachi888: weekend?!
▣□ 陳 虧 寶 □▣: 陳虧寶 攝影個展 「華麗.孤寂」
komehachi888: home sweet home
komehachi888: hehehe
yeeship: reflection
komehachi888: standard smile
komehachi888: hiding her nose
komehachi888: cold weekend
komehachi888: doggie
kero*: scene.
kero*: another story
kero*: 1/2
kero*: Lesson.
komehachi888: paint