agiel: Week 1 - Female portrait
agiel: Going out tonight
agiel: Beauty and the Beast
agiel: The truce
agiel: Ten minutes to the Opening night
agiel: DSC_0012.JPG
agiel: Week 1 - Male portrait
agiel: Oedipe's trial
agiel: Sin city
agiel: Digital pieta
agiel: Female model 2
agiel: Taunting the Witchking
agiel: Celtic legend
agiel: Week 2 - male portrait - color
agiel: Week 3 - Female portrait
agiel: Belling the slayer
agiel: The embrace
agiel: Sweet poison
agiel: Latitude 47o 9', W. Longitude 126o 43'
agiel: No evil
agiel: Week 7 and 8 - Conclusion of the workshop
agiel: Mother and child
agiel: Alien summer - day
agiel: skydiving
agiel: The Oracle
agiel: Djinn
agiel: The last breath
agiel: Mr Managi's Garden
agiel: Thief
agiel: The Wake