lalagirl: Mat and me at Cherry Street Live
lalagirl: Laura & Janelle - NYE 2002 at Bob's House
lalagirl: Paul & Laura, Jeff & some chick, Janelle & Mike 2002
lalagirl: Laura & Janelle on Halloween 2002!
lalagirl: Julie, Laura & Janelle at the pool hall - August 2002
lalagirl: All of us at a concert - there were so many that summer!
lalagirl: Mike, Laura & Janelle at Hooties
lalagirl: Mike & Laura, for Colleen!
lalagirl: Laura and Deb
lalagirl: Yay!
lalagirl: CindyCam!
lalagirl: ColleenCam!
lalagirl: Colleen, Sindy, and Shannon
lalagirl: Laura, Mike, and Kayley, with the Denver skyline.
lalagirl: MNO/Laura's Birthday - 3/21/06
lalagirl: What is it about topless guys in cowboy hats wearing weird pants?
lalagirl: Kim and Jill, looking purty.
lalagirl: Kim and Jill waiting for Colleen.
lalagirl: Lexi with her favorite Kim.
lalagirl: Colleen steals a smooch
lalagirl: I love Mallory's expression! She thinks Colleen's a little sketchy!
lalagirl: Kim and Jill in the middle of the night!
lalagirl: Jill looking for a new hairdo.
lalagirl: Colleen showing off the thickness of her bra padding.
lalagirl: Colleen showing off her mad skillz.
lalagirl: Janelle, Laura, and Jill, sharing a tender moment.
lalagirl: Me kissing Mike after he gave me the world's best compliment. :-D
lalagirl: Laura and Mike
lalagirl: Ed touching Jill, for what would not be the last time.
lalagirl: Sharing the Ed-love.