Laura Molloy: The eternal sunset
Laura Molloy: Like a glamorous hell
Laura Molloy: Yes / No
Laura Molloy: Tribune Tower
Laura Molloy: North end, Millennium Park
Laura Molloy: Cloud Gate
Laura Molloy: Ice skaters, Millennium Park
Laura Molloy: 'Cloud Gate' close-up
Laura Molloy: The 'L'
Laura Molloy: Civilised bus stop
Laura Molloy: Another corner, another architectural fantasy
Laura Molloy: Macy's Christmas tree
Laura Molloy: Chanel stand, Neiman Marcus
Laura Molloy: The roof
Laura Molloy: Tip-top-tap
Laura Molloy: Church courtyard
Laura Molloy: Martin and Alex
Laura Molloy: Chicago river, from Wolf Point
Laura Molloy: Looks like Photoshopped design
Laura Molloy: Cannae beat it.
Laura Molloy: License
Laura Molloy: Chicago Cultural Center grand hall ceiling
Laura Molloy: Chicago Cultural Center
Laura Molloy: Period advertising at Quincy
Laura Molloy: Period advertising at Quincy station
Laura Molloy: From the 'L'
Laura Molloy: Lunch at Tavern at the Green
Laura Molloy: Hancock tower - the bar is on floor 96
Laura Molloy: Like something out of the Psmith novels
Laura Molloy: Top of the Carbide and Carbon building