lakielove: Focussing on pepperoni makes standing pretty much easier!
lakielove: Very expressive! Good job, Jaz!
lakielove: On the table
lakielove: Back to concentrating...
lakielove: Jaz, you're cracking me up!
lakielove: Dogs and handlers, working hard!
lakielove: Practicing perfect terrier stance
lakielove: Nice stand, Jaz!
lakielove: Stay put Jaz, the judge is checking the lineup!
lakielove: Focussed...
lakielove: What a cutie! Gotta fix those front paws, though... you can do it, Jaz!
lakielove: Practicing stacking on the table
lakielove: "Hmmm... I wonder what kind of jummy stuff mom has this time...!"
lakielove: Looking at the judge...
lakielove: Hey dad! Whatcha doing?
lakielove: Always aware of the camera...!
lakielove: Look at that; a perfect free-stack!!!
lakielove: Hey mom! What's next?