Lakeshore Bulldogs: Kirsten, Fiona and Panda
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Theo and Panda
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Santa Panda
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Santa Panda
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Santa Panda
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Panda 10 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Cuddy 10 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Panda & Cuddy
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Cuddy - 10 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Cuddy - 10 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Panda - 10 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Panda Bear - 10 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: 10.19.2010 Cuddy 6.5 weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: 10.19.2010 Panda 6.5 weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: 10.19.2010 House 6.5 weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: 10.19.2010 Panda and Cuddy 6.5 weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: 10.09.2010 Panda 5 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: 10.09.2010 Cuddy 5 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: 10.09.2010 House-Panda-Cuddy 5 Weeks
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Cuddy - Photo shoot is tiring... zzz
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Panda - i give up..
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Panda ~ You iz lookin at me, I C U!
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Panda ~ You lookin at ME?
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Cameron - aka PANDA!
Lakeshore Bulldogs: House - YAWN
Lakeshore Bulldogs: Puppies 4 Weeks