Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Christmas 2005
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Snug in bed
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Pick Your Favorite Photo (38)
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Pebbles Babies
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten *Lakeshores Kirst N. Howl o Blacks"
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten - Here I come
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Mmmm Snow
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Sibling Rivalry...
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Like Mother like Daughter
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Pebbles n Kids
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten scootin
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Got Snow?
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten on steps
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Skipper & Kirsten
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Snow Day
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Skipper & Kirsten
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten & Pebbles not Looking
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten photo shop'd pic
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Lakeshores Kirst N. Howl o Blacks
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten & Yogurt
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten & Yorgurt 2
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten running away with yorgurt
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
More of Kirsten & Yogurt
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Mom cleaning Daughter
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Lotsa Tounge
Lakeshore Bulldogs:
Kirsten beggin...