Aurora100: cleaning
Aurora100: Preparing the food
Aurora100: Cutting chicken
Aurora100: Cutting lamb and chicken
Aurora100: hidden duckling
Aurora100: our dinner!
Aurora100: Puting the tent together
Aurora100: still in progress
Aurora100: Almost done!
Aurora100: Me and my uncle!
Aurora100: What a lucky guy!
Aurora100: Lukier guy
Aurora100: East is red
Aurora100: Haisang's famous handwriting
Aurora100: Making the poster
Aurora100: Haisang posing
Aurora100: Sales people from our crew
Aurora100: More crew
Aurora100: Yay!
Aurora100: Billy cooking kebab
Aurora100: The Chef!
Aurora100: WOW!!!
Aurora100: Me selling Chinese crafts
Aurora100: hehe
Aurora100: How many coconut bubble do you want?
Aurora100: 2 lamb kobab?