kenneoh: P1010442
miki**: Cookie tower 7!!!!!!!
Helen.Yang: 冷面
youngsol: 20210314-DSCF2624-Edit
Edzone: Dogwood
moaan: Wintry
MichelleSimonJadaJana: What's inside.
MagnusCaleb: Lines and solitude
youngdoo: July 2021
anshu_si: Day 315.365 - Grapefruit
有喵的生活: I love film ♥
pfong: Dear friends, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the year ahead!
Patrick Shieh 浩靈: 昨放學看他抱一疊畫冊,說他們有閱讀300本課外書的比賽,晚上也聽到他很大聲的朗誦,今早問了昨晚的書名時,竟然說忘了…結果頭就被我拍下去! 看來要重新導正下閱讀模式。 #次男 #好奇你有男生好朋友嗎
Sat Sue: old building
petrpruner: Anna Magdalena :-)
llabe: Santa Leaves the Airport
Dackelpup: Maki
Guillaume DELEBARRE: Urban poetry
SilverYang: 百年老餅店的綠豆椪,好吃。