laheringer: Portrait: Joshua
laheringer: Portrait: Luke
laheringer: back from the freezing fog of Idaho
laheringer: Oregon Sunset
laheringer: The Road Toward Idaho
laheringer: Grace
laheringer: Jackie and her little brother, Travis
laheringer: Jackie and her boyfriend, Kevin
laheringer: Aaron
laheringer: Junk From The Barn Fire
laheringer: Taken from the car
laheringer: Taken from the car
laheringer: Jackie
laheringer: Travis gets a radio controlled car
laheringer: yeah, you try to get 6 teenagers to pose
laheringer: sister and brother with dogs
laheringer: wetlands from air
laheringer: Somewhere between Nevada and Oregon
laheringer: Somewhere between Nevada and Oregon
laheringer: Sunset and unfallen rain
laheringer: 4H sheep judging
laheringer: 4H pig judging
laheringer: 4H pig judging
laheringer: 4H sheep judging
laheringer: not sure why she's using a curtain rod instead of a pig cane
laheringer: I think she's giving me a gang sign
laheringer: the theme of the parade was "there's no place in space like Fruitland"
laheringer: the theme of the parade was "there's no place in space like Fruitland"
laheringer: euphonium
laheringer: Grace