laheringer: manzanita in bloom
laheringer: The many moods of cow parsnip, part II
laheringer: Miner's Lettuce
laheringer: Miner's Lettuce
laheringer: Fewflower Meadow-Rue
laheringer: Buckbrush
laheringer: Beaked or Weakstem Cryptantha
laheringer: Pipestem Clematis
laheringer: California Saxifrage
laheringer: Wild Cucumber
laheringer: Star Lily or Death Camas
laheringer: California Blackberry
laheringer: California Blackberry
laheringer: English Plantain
laheringer: yarrow
laheringer: Brown-eyed Primrose
laheringer: San Francisco Woodland Star
laheringer: Tidytips bud
laheringer: Narrowleaf Mule-ears
laheringer: California Sunflower
laheringer: California Buttercup
laheringer: Bermuda Buttercup
laheringer: Wild Yellow Mustard
laheringer: California Lotus
laheringer: Birdfoot Trefoil in a field of Wild Oats
laheringer: California or Common Goldfields
laheringer: Common Lomatium or Bladder Parsnip
laheringer: Sweet Yellow Clover
laheringer: Bladderpod