laheringer: Portrait: Joshua
laheringer: Portrait: Luke
laheringer: Portrait: Meriko
laheringer: Portrait: Meriko
laheringer: a favorite photo of my other
laheringer: Portrait: Fred
laheringer: Portrait: Fred
laheringer: Portrait: Alanna
laheringer: Portrait: Alanna
laheringer: Jackie and her little brother, Travis
laheringer: Jackie and her boyfriend, Kevin
laheringer: Aaron
laheringer: Joyce and Sharon
laheringer: Joyce
laheringer: Portrait : John
laheringer: Portrait : John
laheringer: Portrait: Anne
laheringer: Portrait: Anne
laheringer: Portrait: Andrew
laheringer: Portrait: Andrew
laheringer: Portrait: Gretchin
laheringer: Jackie
laheringer: Vista!! W00t!!
laheringer: self portrait with flatbed scanner
laheringer: no crossmarketing messages here
laheringer: Nathan
laheringer: we brag about how tired we are
laheringer: Andrew, Katlin, and Dan