La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Work and Play
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
USS New York - Brooklyn Navy Yard
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Ironworker - New York City
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Golden Gate Bridge construction
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Central Pacific Railroad
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company Railroad
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Sandhogs at Work
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
First Macadam Road
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Sara Vaughan
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Machito and his band at Glen Island
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Leonard Bernstein
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Pins and Needles
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Normandia and Carlos Maldonado of Ballet Quisqueyaute to Rene Carrasco, New York City, 1973.
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Nat King Cole
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Rafael Petiton Guzman
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Campbell Soup Dolls
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Lincoln Cotton Mills, Evansville, Indiana
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Navajo rug weavers
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
ILGWU Class in English
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
David Dubinsky, labor leader
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Chinatown, New York
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
May Chen
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
New York City Subway Cleaner
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
MTA track work
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Stieglitz - The Terminal
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Nostalgia Train
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Seattle Drivers
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Chicago Railroad Porter
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
The Rebel Girl
La Guardia and Wagner Archives:
Professional Staff Congress