La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 02 - Choix de l'artiste - Besoin de couleurs en ce jour pluvieux et frais
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 01 - Martinet (ramoneur)
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 03 => guépier / bee-eater "la tête hors du nid" / "Head out of the nest"
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 04 => Grimpereau / Brown creeper
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 05 => Calao (à cimier) / Hornbill
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021- Quiscale bronzé / Common grackle
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021- 07 - Rallidés / Rallidae - Gallinule
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021- 08 - paruline masquée /common yellow-throat
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 08 - Choix de l'artiste / Chardonneret jaune /
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 -10 - Grèbe / Grebe - Grève huppé / Great Crested Grebe
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 -11 - Passereau d'Amérique du Nord / Dickcissel
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 12 - Oie - Bernache / Goose
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 13 - Bruant fauve / Fox sparrow (Aquarelle / Watercolor)
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 14 - Coucou / Cuckoo -- Coucou foliotocol / African Emerald Cuckoo (Aquarelle/ Watercolor)
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 -15 - Moqueur chat / Gray catbird (Aquarelle / Watercolor)
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 16 - Choix / Artist choice : Mésange bleue / Blue Tit (Aquarelle / Watercolor)
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 17 - Fou /Booby :: Fou à pieds bleus / Blue-footed Booby / Sula nebouxii
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 18 - Pic maculé / Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Aquarelle/Watercolor)
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 19 - Piranga-Tangara / Tanager : Tangara cyanocephala
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 20 - Canard mallard / Mallard
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 21 - Podarge / Frogmouth
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 22 - Bécasse d'Amérique / American Woodcock / Scolopax minor
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 23 - Votre choix / Artist's choice :: Junco ardoisé / Junco hyemalis / Dark-eyed Jun
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 24 - Jardinier ardent / flame bowerbird / Sericulus ardens
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 25 - Cincle plongeur / White-throated Dipper / Cinclus cinclus
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 26 - Faisan / Pheasant :: Faisant Doré / Golden Pheasant / Chrisolophus Pictus
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 27 - Bergeronnette grise / White Wagtail / Motacilla alba
La FoeZ': #BirdTober2021 - 28 - Caracara
La FoeZ': #BirdTober2021 - 29 - Paruline flamboyante / American Redstart / Setophaga ruticilla
La FoeZ': BirdTober2021 - 30 - Choix de l'artiste / Artist's choice = Albatros : Albatros à queue courte