LaEsperantoni: The famous and rare *Märzenbecher-Wiesen" (snowflake) in the Polenztal at the Saxon Switzerland.
LaEsperantoni: Some autumn-impressions from the czech Děčínský Sněžník (high snow mountain)
LaEsperantoni: Some hiking-expressions from the Gamrig, saxonian Swiss.
LaEsperantoni: Some hiking-expressions from the Gamrig, saxonian Swiss.
LaEsperantoni: Some hiking-expressions from the "großer Bärenstein, saxonian Swiss
LaEsperantoni: Some hiking-expressions from the "großer Bärenstein, saxonian Swiss
LaEsperantoni: Some hiking-expressions from the "großer Bärenstein, saxonian Swiss
LaEsperantoni: Some hiking-expressions from the "großer Bärenstein, saxonian Swiss
LaEsperantoni: Some foresight-expressions... In the saxonian Switzerland, from the Zschirnstein.
LaEsperantoni: Some foresight to the Czech Republic...From the saxon Switzerland, on top of the Zschirnstein.
LaEsperantoni: Some rest in some really cold environment. From the top of the Zschirnstein, saxon Switzerland. (Photo from B.)
LaEsperantoni: Some snowy moment at the Czech Republic in Tisa
LaEsperantoni: Some mountain-view
LaEsperantoni: Some sunny mountain-moment...
LaEsperantoni: Saxon Switzerland, the view on the Schrammsteine and the Affensteine
LaEsperantoni: Some steamy surrounding...
LaEsperantoni: Some cold foresight...
LaEsperantoni: Some rainy day...