lady professor: Amsterdam library
lady professor: Amsterdam library
lady professor: Amsterdam library
lady professor: View from the second floor
lady professor: View from the second floor
lady professor: Looking onto the main floor
lady professor: Children's section
lady professor: The media section
lady professor: The chairs felt like nerf chairs.
lady professor: You could watch DVDs or listen to music
lady professor: Chair joy
lady professor: sunny reading nook
lady professor: More media stations
lady professor: study carousels or underwater breathing helmets
lady professor: Individual study carousels
lady professor: inside of study thingy
lady professor: I think I would have studied more if I could have studied in an underwater spaceship pod thing
lady professor: a place to sit and read
lady professor: DSCN5646
lady professor: Books catalogued with icons!
lady professor: Book cataloging
lady professor: Philosophy. I think.
lady professor: Is it this and then...
lady professor: this or the other way around?