Ladymaggic: One tombstone was visible in the cemetery at Kingbury
Ladymaggic: Accommodation at the Mine
Ladymaggic: crossing the weir at Kingsborough
Ladymaggic: Gold crushing
Ladymaggic: Gold Mine at Tyrconnell
Ladymaggic: Gold Mine Map
Ladymaggic: hut
Ladymaggic: Inside the Mine
Ladymaggic: Mine accommodation
Ladymaggic: River
Ladymaggic: walking the dry waterbeds
Ladymaggic: Hotel
Ladymaggic: Junction Hotel
Ladymaggic: Mango Trees
Ladymaggic: Memorial Club
Ladymaggic: moon1
Ladymaggic: No through road
Ladymaggic: Railway Station
Ladymaggic: Wheelbarrow